Concept for the improvement of the Przewalski Horse Observation Area


The open aviary with wild Przewalski's horses is one of the most popular attractions for visitors to the park. To keep them in the enclosure, it is necessary to make special arrangements and organise a safe area for comfortable interaction between tourists and the animals.

Ecocentre Zapovedniki LLC
Smolensk region
3 hectares

What we did:

We have developed a landscaping concept for the horse interaction area that provides comfort and safety for both visitors and animals. 

  • Scenarios for utilising the space in front of the aviary have been developed

  • Designed decking with ramps for comfortable movement

  • Unique small architectural forms and installations emphasising the theme of the zone were created

  • Recreational areas and parking spaces have been organised

Design solutions

Exploring the area with horses involves a circular route in a small area. We have reorganised the traffic pattern to ensure safe access and avoid chaotic parking, as well as to pay attention to the needs of less mobile groups. The changes take into account the challenging terrain and minimise the impact on the landscape. 

The entrance area in front of the aviary and the Przewalski horse observation area is equipped with information stands with a map of the park and educational posters.

The interaction area with the horses has become comfortable for all visitors to the park. Flooring with ramps allows visitors with reduced mobility to safely approach the enclosures. 

The horse observation area has become an educational space due to information stands where one can learn more about Przewalski's horses in a playful way.

All design solutions were realised by the park staff and continue the principles of landscaping. 


Project Director 
Daria Chesnokova
Project Manager
Polina Gladun 
Lead architect
Eugenia Sych