SberCity is the first in Russia and the largest in the world to be developed according to international environmental design standards. Solutions in the area of heat and energy supply, a vacuum system of rubbish disposal, environmentally friendly technologies and smart home systems are being tested here. In the future, it is planned to use artificial intelligence to manage public utilities and residential buildings to improve the efficiency of their maintenance.
Our task was to develop transport solutions for a unique eco-space, creating comfortable and convenient conditions for all residents and guests arriving both by private and public transport, as well as implementing the Vision Zero programme - minimising injuries and deaths caused by road accidents.
We have developed a structure and tariff solutions for SberCity's parking space aimed at achieving our strategic goals:
Exclusion of parking in courtyards, except for vehicles of special services (ambulance, EMERCOM, police, fire brigade).
Optimising the balance between the number of parking spaces (for sale, long-term lease, season tickets and short-term use) to achieve maximum financial efficiency while maintaining manageable parking space.
Prohibition of parking in streets, town squares and alleys, except for designated spaces on the street and road network.
Developing tariffs that maximise financial returns and remain affordable to users.
We created a tariff menu system and a comprehensive financial model, calculated the demand for parking spaces and proposed functional logic for the administration and management of parking space.
Based on the differentiation of each car park by territory and user groups, we developed an individual tariff strategy and usage scenarios, which allowed us to achieve maximum efficiency even at low occupancy rates.