Today Almaty is a dynamically developing agglomeration centre with a growing population. The low attractiveness of public transport forces citizens to use cars more often, which leads to traffic jams and deterioration of the environmental situation.
To systematically respond to these challenges, we, together with Arthur Consulting and the Almatygenplan Institute, developed a strategic document - a master plan of Almaty's transport framework up to 2030, which defines the key areas for improving the city's transport infrastructure. Within the framework of this master plan, a transport scheme was also developed for a pilot project - 19 kilometres long Raiymbek Avenue.
Implementation of the scheme will make it possible to transfer 22% of citizens from private transport to public transport, increase the number of trips by public transport by more than 2 times, significantly reduce harmful emissions and reduce the average journey time by 15%.
We conducted a sociological and statistical study of the transport behaviour of city dwellers.
Collected an array of urban planning data, from population and job densities to traffic flow measurements and consolidation of development plans for the city's built environment and infrastructure.
Designed and modelled 5 variants of the transport framework - from minimalist to comprehensive.
Created a network of express routes and integrated plans to develop the metro and rebuild the tram line.
Established a programme of public transport infrastructure development, including lay-bys, refuelling stations and rolling stock typology.