Transport solutions for developers


For development projects, we implement a range of solutions aimed at improving the transport situation for both new developments and existing territories. We eliminate chaotic parking, ensure safe traffic flow and uninterrupted servicing of housing estates with municipal and freight transport.

federal real estate developers
Moscow and Moscow region

What we do:

  • Analysing masterplans for transport services to the area

  • Optimisation of public transport: adjusting the location of stops, dedicated lanes, route alignment and intervals.

  • Calculating car parking spaces: determining the need for and redistributing car parking in the area.

  • Traffic management in car parks: development of schemes for convenient and safe traffic flow.

  • Planning walking and cycling routes: creating infrastructure for individual mobility facilities.

  • Modelling of transport solutions: testing of proposed schemes and options.

We design transport schemes to ensure efficient and safe movement for all users of the area and all types of mobility.


Project Director
Daria Pavlova
Project managers
Elizaveta Nikitina
Svetlana Anusina
Nikolay Sereda
Head of Data Analysis Department
Maxim Stont
Leading analysts
Maxim Dyukin
Глеб Виноградов
Lead architect
Dmitry Kabanov