City and public transport branding

City and public transport branding

Branding is the process of creating identity elements that work together to create and maintain a recognisable and understandable image of the city and its transport system.

Public transport is an integral part of a city's image both internally and externally. Qualitatively designed and branded transport and infrastructure contribute to the accessibility, comprehensibility and popularisation of public transport.

The basic elements of branding include:

  • Development of names and value platform;

  • Development of a visual identity system (corporate identity);

  • Establishing rules for communication with passengers;

  • Design of rolling stock and infrastructure elements;

  • Development and design of a ticketing system;

  • Communication support for the introduction and development of the brand.

When applicable:

Quality branding is the basis of the modern transport system of the city. It is a necessary measure to popularise public transport, which is implemented in parallel with the improvement and development of the transport system itself, renewal of rolling stock and infrastructure.

Other services

Transport strategies

Priorities of transport policy of a city, region or country. Definition of objectives and key directions of transport system development.

Techno-economic justification and financial modelling of transport solutions

Calculating the economic efficiency of transport solutions and assessing the feasibility of projects.

Consulting and selection of IT solutions and equipment

Assist in selecting technological solutions to improve the efficiency of the transport system and improve safety and quality of life in the city.

Implementation of integrated urban projects

Assisting in the implementation of integrated transport and improvement solutions, from strategy development to author supervision of urban street redevelopment.

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