Techno-economic justification is a comprehensive analysis aimed at assessing the economic efficiency of proposed technical solutions and their feasibility. The main purpose of the feasibility study is to determine whether the project is economically viable and feasible.
A key element of the Techno-economic justification is the financial model, which helps:
Determine the amount of funding required at various stages of the project.
Predict investment payback periods.
Estimate the possible financial outcome of the project.
The financial model serves as a basis for making decisions about the feasibility of investment and project implementation, helping to account for all financial risks and benefits.
The financial model serves as a basis for making decisions about the feasibility of investment and project implementation, helping to account for all financial risks and benefits.
Techno-economic justification and financial modelling of transport solutions play a key role in the implementation of large infrastructure projects. These processes allow not only to assess the economic efficiency and feasibility of investments, but also to develop optimal financial and tariff models.
Financial modelling, in turn, helps to forecast possible risks, revenue and profit volumes, as well as to calculate long-term economic effects from the implementation of transport solutions.
Priorities of transport policy of a city, region or country. Definition of objectives and key directions of transport system development.
Creation and optimisation of the transport framework taking into account the assessment of spatial planning at all levels.
Analysing the current state and forecasting future needs of the territory.
Assist in selecting technological solutions to improve the efficiency of the transport system and improve safety and quality of life in the city.
Assisting in the implementation of integrated transport and improvement solutions, from strategy development to author supervision of urban street redevelopment.