Transport strategies

Transport strategies

A transport strategy is a document that defines long-term goals and main directions of development of the transport system of a city, region or country based on an in-depth analysis of the current state.

The document defines transport policy priorities in the field of urban mobility, sets targets for the efficiency of the transport system and proposes comprehensive solutions to improve the current situation.

The main objectives of the strategy:

  • Improving the quality of life of citizens

  • Unlocking the transport potential of the territoryf

  • Ensuring access to safe and quality transport services

When applicable:

The strategy is created on the basis of a detailed analysis of the state of the transport system and includes the following provisions:priorities for the development of urban mobility;objectives and performance indicators of the transport system;integrated solutions to improve the transport situation.

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Transport planning and modelling

Creation and optimisation of the transport framework taking into account the assessment of spatial planning at all levels.

Analysing the current state and forecasting future needs of the territory.

Layout transport plans and street design

Developing a plan that organises traffic and pedestrian movement on a street and serves as the basis for the improvement and reconstruction of city streets.

Traffic organisation

Measures to ensure safety on roads and pedestrian areas.

City and public transport branding

Development of a unique visual and communication image for cities and transport systems. Creation and integration of the brand into urban infrastructure and public transport to increase their attractiveness and recognisability.

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