Safe pedestrian environment

Safe pedestrian environment

A safe pedestrian environment is a space designed to maximise pedestrian safety and comfort. Key elements include wide pavements, quality lighting, speed limits in pedestrian zones, safety barriers, green spaces and inclusive design for people with disabilities. Such environments reduce accidents, improve the quality of urban life and promote public health.

We design streets and territories, paying special attention to the organisation of a safe environment for pedestrians. Over the years, we have developed a set of measures based on international experience and adapted to the realities of Russian cities, which allows us to re-limit street traffic with the priority of pedestrian safety and preservation of transport characteristics. Among them:

  • traffic management
  • safety island organisation
  • prioritisation of public transport
  • elevated pedestrian crossings

This helps to reduce accidents in areas with high concentrations of vehicles and pedestrians.

Other solutions for cities


Designing infrastructure for cycling, scooters and other means of individual mobility. Creation of bicycle lanes, parking zones, integration with existing urban transport systems.

Electric vehicles and infrastructure

Establishment of infrastructure and regulatory system for electric scooters, electric bicycles and electric vehicles, including road systems, charging stations and the introduction of rental and carsharing systems.


Optimisation and design of parking space in the city, including zoning for residents and visitors, integration with public transport and carsharing and provision of equipment and a range of IT solutions for parking management.

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Solutions for urban cargo logistics management: route optimisation, technology implementation and traffic flow coordination to optimise transport and reduce the burden on the city's infrastructure and environment.

All solutions for cities