Selection of software and equipment for transport systems

Selection of software and equipment for transport systems

Assistance in the selection of software and equipment for transport systems includes the selection of solutions that best meet the needs of the city. We advise on the integration of modern traffic management, routing and monitoring technologies, ensuring smooth operation of transport infrastructure.

We take a site-specific approach and design infrastructure to support the implementation of intelligent transport systems, including traffic signal control equipment, traffic management systems and traffic flow monitoring. Our solutions help increase road capacity, improve traffic management and reduce accidents, contributing to a safe and sustainable urban environment.

Other solutions for cities

Public transport

Optimisation and creation of an efficient public transport system, including: route optimisation, improved intermodal integration, reduction of pressure on the road network, improvement of the image of public transport and its promotion, implementation and support of public transport reforms.

Traffic management and road safety

Measures to reduce congestion and create a safe urban environment: introduction of intelligent transport systems, real-time traffic control, measures to reduce accidents.

Safe pedestrian environment

A system of changes to reduce accidents and improve the pedestrian environment: reorganisation of pavements, speed limits, quality lighting, inclusive design, landscaping.


Designing infrastructure for cycling, scooters and other means of individual mobility. Creation of bicycle lanes, parking zones, integration with existing urban transport systems.

All solutions for cities