Taxis and carsharing

Taxis and carsharing

Taxis and carsharing play an important role in urban mobility, offering convenient transport options without the need to own a private car. Taxis provide fast and personalised transport, while carsharing provides cost-effective and environmentally friendly access to cars for short periods of time, reducing the number of cars on the road and the burden on parking. Both services effectively complement public transport, contributing to solving mobility challenges and reducing congestion in the city.

We are engaged in the development of infrastructure solutions for the integration of taxis and carsharing into the city's overall transport system. This includes creating specialised areas for passenger pick-up and drop-off, optimising parking spaces for carshare vehicles and their quick accessibility at key points in the city.

We also design road routes and zones to prioritise taxis and carshare vehicles, which helps to make their use more efficient, reduces congestion and improves transport accessibility for residents. In addition, our solutions include the integration of these services with public transport, allowing passengers to easily combine different modes of transport for a more convenient way of travelling around the city. 

Other solutions for cities

Public transport

Optimisation and creation of an efficient public transport system, including: route optimisation, improved intermodal integration, reduction of pressure on the road network, improvement of the image of public transport and its promotion, implementation and support of public transport reforms.

Traffic management and road safety

Measures to reduce congestion and create a safe urban environment: introduction of intelligent transport systems, real-time traffic control, measures to reduce accidents.

Safe pedestrian environment

A system of changes to reduce accidents and improve the pedestrian environment: reorganisation of pavements, speed limits, quality lighting, inclusive design, landscaping.

Selection of software and equipment for transport systems

Assistance in the selection of software and equipment for transport systems and implementation of up-to-date solutions for traffic management, routing and monitoring, taking into account the specifics of a particular city or territory.

All solutions for cities